Choosing The Right File Size

Download Resolutions Explained

Web Size

Web size downloads are available in three resolutions - sized at 640px, 1024px, and 2048px on the width. As these files are smaller, they are quicker for both downloading and uploading, and are perfect for sharing on social media. 2048px is the optimum resolution to provide for Facebook sharing, as it is the widest pixel width allowed by Facebook.

High Resolution

High resolution photos are available in 3600px or Original resolution. The 3600px files are 3600px on the long edge, which can typically be used to print photos up to poster size canvases (depending on the original file size), and are more than sufficient for web use. This option provides a balance between download speed/ease of file management and quality. Original resolution files provide the file exactly as uploaded, with no compression or resizing. These files will take longer to download and will use more space.

Note: If your original image files are smaller than the resolution you are offering, they will be delivered at the original pixel dimensions. We do not upsample your smaller images to fit the larger resolution. For example, a 600 X 1200px image offered at 3600px resolution will still be delivered as 600 X 1200px.


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